10 High Blood Sugar Symptoms
Luckily high blood glucose is not a problem that occurs overnight or presents itself abruptly. Diabetes is for life but it does take some time before settling in.
Early signs of diabetes give everyone a decent chance to fight back the problem and prevent it from settling down in the system.
Broadly diabetes is divided into two categories.
First is when body is not producing enough insulin needed to metabolize sugar and produce energy, and second condition is when body develops insulin resistance and stops absorbing sugar for energy production.
The first condition is called type1 diabetes which over a period of time turns into second one, called as type2, caused by insulin resistance. Type2 diabetes is most common form of diabetes.
Here is list of 10 shocking signs that your blood sugar level is high and raises alarm for proper treatment.
- Fatigue or low energy levels are signs of diabetes. Although fatigue can occur due to various other reasons but unexplained fatigue that reoccurs again and again demands a blood check-up for sugar levels. This is one of the first signs of diabetes type 2 and type 1 both.
- Headaches are common too and have variety of reasons. These can be due to simple reasons like stress, working in heat or due to gas formation but even diabetes can cause frequent headaches. If you face headaches frequently try to pin-point high blood sugar by method of elimination or get your blood checked for quick results. Severe headaches are not only high blood sugar signs but can be symptoms of diabetic attack also
- If you notice extra floaters and blurred vision it is safe to get your blood sugar levels checked. Blurred vision and extra floaters are first signs of diabetes type 2. Simple eyesight problem or excessive strain on eyes can also cause this problem. So either you get your eyesight checked or blood sugar to be sure of real reason.
- Poor concentration is one of the 10 shocking signs that your blood sugar level is high. High blood glucose level can promote rush of thoughts and make it difficult for you to concentrate. Regularly high sugar level damage neurons and reduce communication between brain cells to cause weak memory and poor concentration. Signs of deteriorating mental health can be high blood sugar signs also.
- Frequent urination is also classified as one of the first signs of diabetes type 2. Regularly high blood sugar or fluctuating sugar levels damage blood vessels in kidneys. These blood vessels are responsible for filtering out minerals and protein for re-absorption and removing excess water from blood. Due to damage caused by high blood sugar kidneys are unable to perform filtration process efficiently which causes frequent urination. Frequent urination is one of the early signs of diabetes which shall not be ignored.
- Dry mouth and frequent thirst. As body expels more water through frequent urination it causes frequent dehydration which raises frequent thirst. Frequent thirst and dry mouth are also early signs of diabetes which need immediate attention.
- Confusion and high blood pressure are other hyperglycemia symptoms. Untreated high blood sugar can affect mental clarity negatively and raise frequent confusions. Unexplained high blood pressure also raises warning bell for diabetes. These are also part of list of 10 shocking signs that your blood sugar level is high.
- Frequent swelling in legs occurs due to poor liver health. Regularly high blood glucose levels or fluctuating blood sugar levels can also cause liver toxicity or fatty liver. Liver problems cause swelling in legs after mild physical activity or after sitting for some duration. These signs do not clearly indicate presence of diabetes or dangerous level of blood sugar but certainly demand a blood check-up.
- Sudden and unexplained weight loss is one of the common hyperglycemia symptoms. Untreated blood sugar problem can cause weight loss at rapid pace as body utilizes more fat for energy production to make up for poor sugar metabolism. Sudden weight loss can be symptoms of dangerous level of blood sugar.
- Reducing muscles mass and frequent muscular exhaustion are early signs of diabetes type 2. Due to poor sugar metabolism body is unable to provide instant energy to muscles which cause regular muscular atrophy and also deteriorates muscular endurance severely. Shivering or hand, lethargic nervous system and poor muscular endurance are also symptoms of a diabetic attack
Best Natural Treatment for Diabetes
If it turns out after any of these symptoms that you have high blood glucose levels start using Diabec capsules.
- These are herbal supplements that naturally improve body’s ability to metabolize sugar and maintain healthy sugar levels.
- These pills handle all forms of diabetes including most common type 2.
- Along with healthy blood sugar level these pills also relieve symptoms of diabetes and protect health from its damaging effects.
- Diabec capsules are non-contradictory and can be used with other medication and treatments.
- These are safe and require no medical prescription before use.
- Men and women of any age can use these pills to lead a normal life despite of diabetes.
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